awk print re-direction to a file with timestamp appended


I need to split big xml file into multiple files based on xml declaration. for that i have written one awk 1 liner as below

awk '/<?xml\ version/{i++}{print > "outfile."i}' test123.xml

this is producing the desired out put. but i want the the currenttimestamp with milliseconds in the file name rather than outfile as filename.

ex: outfile=currenttimestamp with milliseconds (YYYYMMDDHHMISSSS) format.


Please help me


If your local date command supports the rfc 3339 option, then this brute force way works:

awk '
    function ts(    c )     # timestamp with nano sec
        c = "date --rfc-3339=ns | sed -E \"s/(..)-(..)-/\1\2/;s/ //; s/-.*//;s/://g\"";
        c | getline timestamp;
        close( c );

    /<?xml\ version/{ ts(); }{ print >"outfile." timestamp; } ' in-file

I tried this but its not working . iam using AIX 6.1.

Thanks again

Assuming that you don't have GNU date available then. You could write a small bit of C and invoke the binary:

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

int main( )
    struct tm ltime;
    struct timeval tv;
    time_t  now;

    now = time( NULL );
    localtime_r( &now, &ltime );
    gettimeofday( &tv, NULL );
    printf( "%4d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d.%d\n", ltime.tm_year + 1900, ltime.tm_mon + 1, ltime.tm_mday, ltime.tm_hour, ltime.tm_min, ltime.tm_sec, tv.tv_usec );

    return 0;

If programme is saved as datens.c then this command should build datens binary:

cc -o datens datens.c

This of course assumes your libc includes gettimeofday(). I don't have access to an AIX box, so I'm unsure what other options you might have.