awk print matching records and occurences of each record

Hi all , I have two files : dblp.xml with dblp records and itu1.txt with faculty members records. I need to find out how many dblp records are related to the faculty members. More specific: I need to find out which names from itu1.txt are a match in dblp. xml file , print them and show how many times they occur in dblp as publisher, editors , coauthors, authors etc ...excatly how many dblp records has each of them . The names appears in dblp just as authors and editor

This is how files looks:


<incollection mdate="2010-04-20" key="series/sci/GorissenCCD09">
<author>Mathias Gruttner</author>
<author>Tobias Grundtvig</author>
<author>Erik Gronvall</author>
<author>Tom Dhaene</author>
<title>Automatic Approximation of Expensive Functions with Active Learning.</title>
<booktitle>Foundations of Computational Intelligence (1)</booktitle>



Mathias Gruttner
Tobias Grundtvig
Erik Gronvall
Sigurd Trolle Gronemann
Dominik  Grondziowski

Now I have this awk script which does display the authors name but it doesn't show the correct result + I don't know how to print the occurrences for each author.

awk -F, '\
while ((getline < "dblp.xml") > 0)

 for (name in file2)
    if (name == substr($1,1,length(name)))
       if (length(name)>longest)
 if (longest>0)
 print $0 "," loc
}' itu1.txt

desired output:

25 <author>Mathias Gruttner</author>
34<author>Tobias Grundtvig</author>
3<editor> Erik Gronvall </editor>


Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong? any help appreciated. Thanks a lot

Given that you're using comma as your field separator and there are no commas in either of your sample files, I have no idea how your current script is producing a list of authors for you. And since there are no entries for editor and no more than 1 entry for any author in your input file, I have no idea why you would expect to get that output for the given input. I am also surprised that the spacing in and around names in your input and output files is inconsistent.

Maybe something like the following would come closer to what you said you wanted:

awk -F '</?author>|</?editor>|</?publisher>|</?coauthor>|</?illustrator>' '
FNR == NR {
$2 in faculty {
END {	for(i in count)
		printf("%d\t%s\n", count, i)
}' itu1.txt dblp.xml

You didn't say what OS you're using. If you want to try this on a Solaris/SunOS system, change awk to /usr/xpg4/bin/awk , /usr/xpg6/bin/awk , or nawk .

With input files:
dblp.xml :

<incollection mdate="2010-04-20" key="series/sci/GorissenCCD09">
<author>Mathias Gruttner</author>
<coauthor>Erik Gronvall</coauthor>
<coauthor>Tom Dhaene</coauthor>
<title>Automatic Approximation of Cheap Functions with Active Learning.</title>
<author>Dominik Grondziowski</author>
<title>Automatic Approximation of Inexpensive Functions with Active Learning.</title>
<author>Mathias Gruttner</author>
<coauthor>Tobias Grundtvig</coauthor>
<coauthor>Erik Gronvall</coauthor>
<title>Automatic Approximation of Expensive Functions with Active Learning.</title>
<author>Mathias Gruttner</author>
<illustrator>Sigurd Trolle Gronemann</illustrator>
<author>Erik Gronvall</author>
<author>Tom Dhaene</author>
<title>Automatic Approximation of Expensive Functions with Inactive Learning.</title>
<booktitle>Foundations of Computational Intelligence (1)</booktitle>
<publisher>Sigurd Trolle Gronemann</publisher>
<editor>Dominik Grondziowski</editor>

and itu1.txt :

Mathias Gruttner
Tobias Grundtvig
Erik Gronvall
Sigurd Trolle Gronemann
Dominik Grondziowski

it produces the output:

2	<coauthor>Erik Gronvall</coauthor>
1	<editor>Dominik Grondziowski</editor>
1	<author>Erik Gronvall</author>
1	<illustrator>Sigurd Trolle Gronemann</illustrator>
1	<publisher>Sigurd Trolle Gronemann</publisher>
3	<author>Mathias Gruttner</author>
1	<author>Dominik Grondziowski</author>
1	<coauthor>Tobias Grundtvig</coauthor>

Is this what you were trying to do?

yes, that kind of outpur I am trying to get. Unfortunately the script you post doesn't print the output you said . Not sure why . I did change the order of the input files since with itu1.txt as first file I get no output and with

...some code here ..

}' dblp.xml itu1.txt 

I get the following output:

1       Jakob  Bardram
1       Dominik  Grondziowski
1       Tijs  Slaats
1       Troels Bjerre Srensen
1       Florian  Berger
1       Rikke  Koch
1       Anker Helms Jrgensen

Not sure what I am doing wrong. I am run the script under Ubuntu and Unix shell under windows as well . same results.

Thanks for your quick reply :slight_smile:

Did you copy Don Cragun's proposal as is? Any assignment to a field will cause $0 to be reconstructed, suppressing the field separators and yielding the output you post in #3. Make sure the fac. member file is read first.

I didn't just type in the results I expected my code to produce. The output I showed you was the actual output produced when I ran the code I showed you with the input files I showed you. It was run using ksh on a MacBook Pro running OS X Yosemite.

Were your input files created on your Windows system? The script I gave you will not work if:

  1. you reverse the order of the input files given as operands,
  2. the line terminators in your input files are the Windows two character carriage-return newline sequence instead of the single character UNIX system newline character,
  3. your dblp.xml file has more than one pair of XML tags per line,
  4. there are extraneous spaces in the names in the tags in the dblp.xml file or anywhere in the itu1.txt file , or
  5. if you put ANY carriage-return characters in the awk script I provided.

Note that every name in the itu1.txt file you used to get the output you showed us above contains two spaces between the first and last names when no middle name is provided. If the names in the dblp.xml file do not match exactly, they will not be counted.

If your input files are in Windows format (instead of Linux and UNIX system format), you can add the code shown in red below to convert the input files to the proper format:

awk -F '</?author>|</?editor>|</?publisher>|</?coauthor>|</?illustrator>' '
{	gsub("\r", "")
FNR == NR {
$2 in faculty {
END {	for(i in count)
		printf("%d\t%s\n", count, i)
}' itu1.txt dblp.xml
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