awk print last line returns empty string


I have a file with lines of info separated with "|"

I want to amend the second field of the last line, using AWK
my problem is with geting awk to return the last line

this is what I am using

awk  'END{ print  $0 }' myFile

but I get an empty result

I tried the same thing with tail

tail -1 myFile

which works fine and returns the last line, however I need it to work with awk

Also tried print, print $1, print $* with no luck,

any suggestion would be much appriciated!

---------- Post updated at 03:59 PM ---------- Previous update was at 03:53 PM ----------

This is what I get

$ tail -1 myFile 
$ awk 'END{print}' myFile
awk '{x=$0}END{print x}' myFile


sed '$!d' myFile


sed -n '$p' myFile


tail -1 myFile

I think it should be written like below:

awk -F"|" '{x=$0}END{print x}' myFile

Ooops ... i was focusing on getting the last line :smiley:

nawk -F\| '{$2="something_else_modified";x=$0}END{print x}' OFS=\| infile

Sadly the awk way still returns empty
so i tried this:

var1=$(cat myFile | wc -l)
echo $var1
awk -F"|" '$1==var1 {$2=0; print >> "myFile"}' OFS="|" myFile

now I know that I cannot just use $ to pass shell variables into awk, and the above does not work, how can I pass var1 into the awk?
ideally this what I want to do, "on the last line, change the second field to 0"

awk -F\| 'END{print $2}' file


---------- Post updated at 12:43 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:41 PM ----------

awk -F\| -vv=$var 'END{print $2, v}' file

you got me very confused here...

this what I tried after your reply:

var1=$(cat myFile| wc -l)
echo $var1
awk -F"|" -v v="$var1" ' $1=v {$2=0; print >> "myFile"}' myFile 

I dont just want to print the second field of the last line, I want to change it to 0, my problem is END does not work as for some reason it thinks the last line is empty

now what it does is changing everything to 0 infinetly...

/usr/xpg4/bin/awk -F\| '{$2=0;x=$0} END {print x}' OFS=\| myFile

If you are on solaris, use nawk instead of awk or use the posix awk which should be located in /usr/xpg4/bin/awk

# tail -1 infile
"CCCC"|"My Test C"|"Test "CCCC""|"This is C"
# nawk -F\| -v V="$r" '{$2=V;x=$0}END{print x}' OFS=\| infile

sadly I am not on solaris...

I am bumbed now, it keeps changing everything to 0 now...

This should be very simple, just go to the last line, change the second field to 0 save file, end of story, no weird sed, no solaris,

var1=$(cat SocaFileFixed_Final | wc -l)
echo $var1

awk -F"|" -v v="$var1" ' $1==v {$2=0}' myfile

can't see why this doesn't work :wall::wall::wall:

Hey u are comparing $1 with the nof lines in the file. Does your $1 contain line numbers?

nawk 'FNR==1{p=$0;next}{print p;p=$0}END {$0=p;$2=0;print}' myFile

Better try this one
var=$(cat filename|wc -l)
awk -F"|" -v var=$var ' NR==var {$2=0; print $0}'

Ok found it
heres the code that works as I want

rm temp3
var1=$(cat myFile | wc -l)
echo $var1
awk -F"|" -v v="$var1" -v  c=0 ' $1==v{$2=0;print >>"temp3" ; prev=c ; c=c+1 ;next} {print >> "temp3"}' OFS="|" myFile

sed -i '$s:[^|]*|:0|:2' infile
 # cat infile
"AAAA"|"Test "1-A""|"Test AAAA"|"This is A"
"BBBB"|"Test "1-B""|"Test BBBB"|"This is B"
"CCCC"|"My Test C"|"Test "CCCC""|"This is C"
# sed '$s:[^|]*|:0|:2' infile
"AAAA"|"Test "1-A""|"Test AAAA"|"This is A"
"BBBB"|"Test "1-B""|"Test BBBB"|"This is B"
"CCCC"|0|"Test "CCCC""|"This is C"

Which OS + version do you run ?