awk percentage

how would you calculate percentage by per line? Given a column of 16 lines, grab each line and divide it by the sum of the entire column and multiply by 100?
thanks ...

What have you attempted so far and and where do you get stuck?


well i am very new to awk. i just managed to get the sum of a field.

awk '{ for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) s = s+$i }; END { print s /100 }'

i can remove the percentage of the whole field as one.. but i am stuck at processing the percentage for each line of that column

It's not really clear what your trying to achieve, can you post your input file and the desired output?


Input :


output :


(what i am doing here is taking the first line 629 divide it by sum of the field - 1800 and multiplying to give a % of 34.94)
I can get the sum of the field... like i have stated in the code.. but cannot calculate the percentage of each line of the field.

This is ok:

34.94 = 629/1800*100

But can you clarify this?

16.85 = <- I can't figure this out
16.77 = <- ??


awk '{array[NR] = $0; sum+= $0 }
     END {
       for (x = 1; x <= NR; x++)
             printf "%2.2f\n", (100 * array[x])/sum
   ' file

sorry they were the wrong values

i hope you are understanding what i am getting at. i need to manipulate each line and show them as percentage

awk 'NR==FNR{s+=$0;next}{printf("%2.2f\n", $0/s*100}' file file
