awk parameter

How to pass a parameter in system function
e.g system(script parameter)
i want to run a shell script along with a parameter

A sample,

echo "Using $@ arguments to execute the awk"
echo 1 2 3 | awk -v cmd=$1 -v From=$2 -v To=$3  '{ system(cmd" "From" "To ) }

Nagarajan G

thanx nagarjuna for ur reply

but i have sm different problem
my test.awk is like this

jobid = "/tmp/test.txt"

system( "echo `echo $jobid`")

system("sh /tmp/test jobid ")


in the 3rd line it is not displaying the value of the jobid so when ever i am runing the shell script and passing the file path its not getting that. i am new to awk programmimg could u plz send me a sample script to do that.

Wirh Regards

Please try this,

echo 1 | awk 'BEGIN {jobid="/tmp/test.txt"} { system ( "echo "jobid ) ; system ("cat " jobid)}'

Nagarajan G

awk  -v fname="/tmp/filename"  -v cmd=$cmdname" '{system(cmd" "fname)}' 

Is this same as that of your earlier post?

Nagarajan G