awk NR issue

Hi guys,

i am trying to analyze a text file using awk and am not able to solve this issue.

This is the piece of code that I have written

        ## Time to count MACs -> 5 seconds.
        TIME_LIMIT = 5;
	   k = 50000;

## For every line.
       time_in_seconds = $1

       mac = $2;
       if ( mac_pair[mac] ) {
               diff = time_in_seconds - mac_pair[mac];
		##print diff
                if ( diff > TIME_LIMIT ) {
                        printf "%s\n", "Incrementing counter: " $0;
        } else {
                ## Increment counter for first time of this MACs.
                printf "%s\n", "Incrementing counter: " $0;

      mac_pair[mac] = time_in_seconds;
	if ( NR = k){
	remove_time = time_in_seconds-5;
	##print remove_time
	for (x in mac_pair)
	  { if (mac_pair[x] < remove_time ) 
	    { delete mac_pair[x]
	      print x}
	k = k + 50000;

        printf "%s = %d\n", "Counter is:", counter;

The code goes through lines, matches and increments a counter if there is no match for the previous 5 seconds. The issue I m facing is i have to run this over huge files and my ram gets exhausted. That is why I have included a new routine which will discard packets after a set number of lines have been processed.

If i try to print NR before and after it runs this routine, i see it gets altered. Also the routine within if ( NR = k) runs for every line. I am not sure why.

here are some sample input

1319170474.165379 164:186:219:250:181:93:255:255:255:255:255:255:
1319170474.308849 0:13:41:11:173:255:1:0:94:0:0:13:
1319170474.543025 0:224:129:88:169:186:255:255:255:255:255:255:
1319170474.546619 0:25:209:27:17:125:255:255:255:255:255:255:
1319170474.165379 164:186:219:250:181:93:255:255:255:255:255:255:
1319170474.308849 0:13:41:11:173:255:1:0:94:0:0:13:
1319170474.543025 0:224:129:88:169:186:255:255:255:255:255:255:
1319170474.546619 0:25:209:27:17:125:255:255:255:255:255:255:

help me out :frowning:


if (NR == k) 

instead of:

if (NR = k)

That did the trick!! Thanks franklin!