awk not escape my bash variable

I tried to parse data from switch configuration files

vlan 1727 name SQ5506-15 by port
 tagged ethe 8/1 to 8/2 
 untagged ethe 1/13 
vlan 2105 name SQ5620-7007(BR2) by port
 tagged ethe 8/1 to 8/2 
 untagged ethe 1/17 
interface ethernet 1/13
 port-name SQ5506-15.nic0
 rate-limit input fixed 10000000
 sflow forwarding
interface ethernet 1/17
 port-name SQ5620-7007.nic0
 rate-limit input fixed 100000000
 sflow forwarding

At first I parse interface number by device name and switch path with this command

INTERFACE=`awk '/^vlan(.*)'"$DEVICE "'(.*)/,/^!/' "$SWITCH_PATH" | awk '/untagged/{print $3}'`

Then I tried to get rate limit from interface that I parse from above with this command

RATELIMIT=`awk '/^interface ethernet '"$INTERFACE"'\r(.*)/,/^!/' "$SWITCH_PATH" | awk '/rate-limit/{print $4}'`

But it is showing an error

awk: /^interface ethernet 1/13\r(.*)/,/^!/
awk:                          ^ backslash not last character on line

If $INTERFACE is single number like "74" it will work but if $INTERFACE has forward slash like "1/13" it will showing an error as above. I have tried with put direct interface number and found that I have to put backslash before forward slash in interface number like this

RATELIMIT=`awk '/^interface ethernet '"1\/13"'\r(.*)/,/^!/' "$SWITCH_PATH" | awk '/rate-limit/{print $4}'`

I also tried with awk -v too but no luck. It is showing no error but still can't get value what I want

RATELIMIT=`awk -v INTERFACE="$INTERFACE" '/^interface ethernet INTERFACE\r(.*)/,/^!/' "$SWITCH_PATH" | awk '/rate-limit/{print $4}'`

I tried with every possible changing quote and double quote but still no luck. Can someone help me this?

try using \\r instead of \r

Otherwise it will be interpreted as carriage control

That what I want to interpreted as carriage control like in this situation

interface ethernet 1/1
 rate-limit input fixed 10000000
 sflow forwarding
interface ethernet 1/13
 rate-limit input fixed 10000000
 sflow forwarding

You can see that if I don't put \r in my regex will detect both line