awk if value between x and y


I am trying to create a awk (prefered) script that prints a extra value based on a number in one of the other columns.

awk  '
BEGIN           {FS = OFS = ";"
                 print "price"
                { if ($1 <= 0.99 && $1 >= 0.01)
                        print $0,"6";
                  elseif ($1 <= 1.99 && $1 >= 1)
                        print $0,"5";
                  elseif ($13 <= 2.99 && $13 >= 2)
                        print $0,"3";
' $1 > $2

There are more lines to add but this should suffice for the testing i am doing atm.

The problem is that the code above does not seem to work.

The result i am getting is as follows:

0.50    3
1.21    5
2         3
2         5
2         3
2.01     5
2.01     3
2.01     5
2.99     3
2.99     5
2.99     3
3         5
3         3
3         5

the result should be as below:

0.50    6
1.21    5
2         3
2         3
2         3
2.01     3
2.01     3
2.01     3
2.99     3
2.99     3
2.99     3

The last couple lines should be empty as i dont have a value set for those yet.

Can someone tell me or show me what i have wrong on this?


  • $1 instead of $13
  • else if instead of elseif
  • create an extra condition for else to print lines that do not match the other criteria, or use a variable.
1 Like

Oops i had the mistype for 13 there.

I tried the 2 other lines and so far it looks working. I will add some more to see if its 100% but it looks promising for which i am gratefull.

How about

awk  '
BEGIN   {split ("6 5 3", B)
        {print $0, B[int($1)+1]
' OFS="\t" file
0.50    6
1.21    5
2    3
2    3
2    3
2.01    3
2.01    3
2.01    3
2.99    3
2.99    3
2.99    3

(admittedly needs some adjustments for 0 and negative values of $1)

Interesting line but i am not sure how it would work. The value 0 and negative cannot happen since they are filtered out already. The other thing is that the values arent in order and the full list of numbers is alot bigger.

Below is the current version which works with the help from Scrutinizer. The $14 value is the original position of the value so i did not change that in this one.

awk  '
BEGIN           {FS = OFS = ";"
                 print "Reference;EAN;Condition;Stock;Price;Deliverycode;;manufacturer;Titel;MPN;supplier_code;Sup Category;Category 2;Cost;Marge;DSCost;Vast Comm;Vari Comm;;;;Marge Berekend;CMD;CMD + Comm"
                { if ($14 <= 0.99 && $14 >= 0.01)
                        print $0,"6";

                  else if ($14 <= 1.99 && $14 >= 1)
                        print $0,"5";

                  else if ($14 <= 2.99 && $14 >= 2)
                        print $0,"3";

                  else if ($14 <= 3.99 && $14 >= 3)
                        print $0,"2.5";

                  else if ($14 <= 4.99 && $14 >= 4)
                        print $0,"2";

                  else if ($14 <= 5.99 && $14 >= 5)
                        print $0,"2";

                  else if ($14 <= 6.99 && $14 >= 6)
                        print $0,"0.85";

                  else if ($14 <= 7.99 && $14 >= 7)
                        print $0,"0.7";

                  else if ($14 <= 8.99 && $14 >= 8)
                        print $0,"0.65";

                  else if ($14 <= 9.99 && $14 >= 9)
                        print $0,"0.55";

                  else if ($14 <= 10.99 && $14 >= 10)
                        print $0,"0.5";

                  else if ($14 <= 11.99 && $14 >= 11)
                        print $0,"0.45";

                  else if ($14 <= 12.99 && $14 >= 12)
                        print $0,"0.41";

                  else if ($14 <= 13.99 && $14 >= 13)
                        print $0,"0.38";

                  else if ($14 <= 14.99 && $14 >= 14)
                        print $0,"0.35";

                  else if ($14 <= 15.99 && $14 >= 15)
                        print $0,"0.33";

                  else if ($14 <= 16.99 && $14 >= 16)
                        print $0,"0.31";

                  else if ($14 <= 17.99 && $14 >= 17)
                        print $0,"0.29";

                  else if ($14 <= 18.99 && $14 >= 18)
                        print $0,"0.28";

                  else if ($14 <= 19.99 && $14 >= 19)
                        print $0,"0.26";

                  else if ($14 <= 24.99 && $14 >= 20)
                        print $0,"0.25";

                  else if ($14 <= 29.99 && $14 >= 25)
                        print $0,"0.24";

                  else if ($14 <= 34.99 && $14 >= 30)
                        print $0,"0.17";

                  else if ($14 <= 39.99 && $14 >= 35)
                        print $0,"0.15";

                  else if ($14 <= 44.99 && $14 >= 40)
                        print $0,"0.13";

                  else if ($14 <= 49.99 && $14 >= 45)
                        print $0,"0.12";

                  else if ($14 <= 54.99 && $14 >= 50)
                        print $0,"0.1";

                  else if ($14 <= 59.99 && $14 >= 55)
                        print $0,"0.08";
                  else if ($14 <= 64.99 && $14 >= 60)
                        print $0,"0.08";
                  else if ($14 <= 69.99 && $14 >= 65)
                        print $0,"0.08";
                  else if ($14 <= 74.99 && $14 >= 70)
                        print $0,"0.08";
                  else if ($14 <= 79.99 && $14 >= 75)
                        print $0,"0.08";
                  else if ($14 <= 84.99 && $14 >= 80)
                        print $0,"0.08";
                  else if ($14 <= 89.99 && $14 >= 85)
                        print $0,"0.08";
                  else if ($14 <= 94.99 && $14 >= 90)
                        print $0,"0.08";
                  else if ($14 <= 99.99 && $14 >= 95)
                        print $0,"0.08";

                  else if ($14 <= 109.99 && $14 >= 100)
                        print $0,"0.07";
                  else if ($14 <= 119.99 && $14 >= 110)
                        print $0,"0.07";
                  else if ($14 <= 129.99 && $14 >= 120)
                        print $0,"0.07";
                  else if ($14 <= 139.99 && $14 >= 130)
                        print $0,"0.07";
                  else if ($14 <= 149.99 && $14 >= 140)
                        print $0,"0.07";
                  else if ($14 <= 159.99 && $14 >= 150)
                        print $0,"0.07";
                  else if ($14 <= 169.99 && $14 >= 160)
                        print $0,"0.07";
                  else if ($14 <= 179.99 && $14 >= 170)
                        print $0,"0.07";
                  else if ($14 <= 189.99 && $14 >= 180)
                        print $0,"0.07";
                  else if ($14 <= 199.99 && $14 >= 190)
                        print $0,"0.07";
                  else if ($14 <= 209.99 && $14 >= 200)
                        print $0,"0.07";
                  else if ($14 <= 219.99 && $14 >= 210)
                        print $0,"0.07";
                  else if ($14 <= 229.99 && $14 >= 220)
                        print $0,"0.07";
                  else if ($14 <= 239.99 && $14 >= 230)
                        print $0,"0.07";
                  else if ($14 <= 249.99 && $14 >= 240)
                        print $0,"0.07";

                  else if ($14 <= 299.99 && $14 >= 250)
                        print $0,"0.06";
                  else if ($14 <= 349.99 && $14 >= 300)
                        print $0,"0.06";
                  else if ($14 <= 399.99 && $14 >= 350)
                        print $0,"0.06";
                  else if ($14 <= 449.99 && $14 >= 400)
                        print $0,"0.06";
                  else if ($14 <= 499.99 && $14 >= 450)
                        print $0,"0.06";
                  else if ($14 <= 549.99 && $14 >= 500)
                        print $0,"0.06";
                  else if ($14 <= 599.99 && $14 >= 550)
                        print $0,"0.06";
                  else if ($14 <= 649.99 && $14 >= 600)
                        print $0,"0.06";
                  else if ($14 <= 699.99 && $14 >= 650)
                        print $0,"0.06";
                  else if ($14 <= 749.99 && $14 >= 700)
                        print $0,"0.06";
                  else if ($14 <= 799.99 && $14 >= 750)
                        print $0,"0.06";
                  #else if ($14 <= 849.99 && $14 >= 800)
                  #      print $0,"0.06";
                  #else if ($14 <= 899.99 && $14 >= 850)
                  #      print $0,"0.06";
                  #else if ($14 <= 949.99 && $14 >= 900)
                  #      print $0,"0.06";
                  #else if ($14 <= 999.99 && $14 >= 950)
                  #      print $0,"0.06";
                  #else if ($14 <= 9999.99 && $14 >= 1000)
                  #      print $0,"0.06";


' $1 > $2

As you see it are alot of values to list and the last several lines even gave me errors which i cannot seem to find (Not really important as 750 is the highest number). If there is a way to shorten this that would be really nice.


TMP = 0.06
if ($14 < 250) TMP = 0.07
if ($14 < 100) TMP = 0.08
if ($14 <  55) TMP = 0.1
if ($14 <  50) TMP = 0.12
if ($14 <  45) TMP = 0.13
if ($14 <  40) TMP = 0.15
if ($14 <  35) TMP = 0.17
if ($14 <  30) TMP = 0.24
if ($14 <  25) TMP = 0.25
if ($14 <  20) TMP = 0.26
if ($14 <  19) TMP = 0.28
if ($14 <  18) TMP = 0.29
if ($14 <  17) TMP = 0.31
if ($14 <  16) TMP = 0.33
if ($14 <  15) TMP = 0.35
if ($14 <  14) TMP = 0.38
if ($14 <  13) TMP = 0.41
if ($14 <  12) TMP = 0.45
if ($14 <  11) TMP = 0.5
if ($14 <  10) TMP = 0.55
if ($14 <   9) TMP = 0.65
if ($14 <   8) TMP = 0.7
if ($14 <   7) TMP = 0.85
if ($14 <   6) TMP = 2
if ($14 <   4) TMP = 2.5
if ($14 <   3) TMP = 3
if ($14 <   2) TMP = 5
if ($14 <   1) TMP = 6
print $0, TMP

yield the same result?

1 Like

That is actually also a very interesting way of working with the values. It even means the script could be 1/3 of the size.

I will test this out tomorrow when i have some time.

Thanks again for all the help.

Another option, is to separate data and logic:

awk '
  NR==FNR {
    for (i in L)
      if ( $1 >= L && $1 <= R ) {
    print $0, m
' minmax data.txt 

Command line version:

awk 'NR==FNR{L[$1]=$2; R[$1]=$3; next} {m=""; for(i in L) if($1>=L && $1<=R){m=i; break} print $0, m}'  minmax data.txt
$ cat minmax
6	0.01	0.99
5	1	1.99
3	2	2.99
2.5	3	3.99
2	4	4.99
2	5	5.99
0.85	6	6.99
0.7	7	7.99
0.65	8	8.99
0.55	9	9.99
0.5	10	10.99
0.45	11	11.99
0.41	12	12.99
0.38	13	13.99
0.35	14	14.99
0.33	15	15.99
0.31	16	16.99
0.29	17	17.99
0.28	18	18.99
0.26	19	19.99
0.25	20	24.99
0.24	25	29.99
0.17	30	34.99
0.15	35	39.99
0.13	40	44.99
0.12	45	49.99
0.1	50	54.99
0.08	55	59.99
0.07	100	109.99
0.06	250	299.99
$ cat data.txt

Or maybe

awk '
BEGIN   {m = split ("250 100 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 3 2 1 0", CV) 
         n = split ("0.06 0.07 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.17 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.28 0.29 0.31 0.33 0.35 0.38 0.41 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.65 0.7 0.85 2 2.5 3 5 6", SV)
        {for (i=1; $14<CV && i<m; i++);
         print $14, SV
' OFS="\t" file

How about testing this and coming back with the result?

Wow, both are awesome. I will test them all 3 and see which is easiest to work with for me. The last one looks very nice but we have to be carefull that there are a exact same number on each line so that makes it dangerous also when editing.

Again i will check them out and update this thread.

Intersperse some spaces, and / or use commas as delimiters

BEGIN    {m = split (" 250  100   55  50   45   40   35   30   25   20   19   18   17   16   15   14   13   12   11  10    9    8   7    6 4   3 2 1 0", CV) 
          n = split ("0.06 0.07 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.17 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.28 0.29 0.31 0.33 0.35 0.38 0.41 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.65 0.7 0.85 2 2.5 3 5 6", SV)

I will test them out as soon as i can but i did not get the time for it today. Maybe tonight i will have a couple min to test them. I will get back to this and update the thread asap.

Just as a quick update.

I tested all the ones that you guys posted for which again i am gratefull.

We decided to go with the first one from RudiC because that is the easiest to change if needed.

                {TMP = 0.06
                if ($14 < 250) TMP = 0.07
                if ($14 < 100) TMP = 0.08
                if ($14 <  55) TMP = 0.1
                if ($14 <  50) TMP = 0.12
                if ($14 <  45) TMP = 0.13
                if ($14 <  40) TMP = 0.15
                if ($14 <  35) TMP = 0.17
                if ($14 <  30) TMP = 0.24
                if ($14 <  25) TMP = 0.25
                if ($14 <  20) TMP = 0.26
                if ($14 <  19) TMP = 0.28
                if ($14 <  18) TMP = 0.29
                if ($14 <  17) TMP = 0.31
                if ($14 <  16) TMP = 0.33
                if ($14 <  15) TMP = 0.35
                if ($14 <  14) TMP = 0.38
                if ($14 <  13) TMP = 0.41
                if ($14 <  12) TMP = 0.45
                if ($14 <  11) TMP = 0.5
                if ($14 <  10) TMP = 0.55
                if ($14 <   9) TMP = 0.65
                if ($14 <   8) TMP = 0.7
                if ($14 <   7) TMP = 0.85
                if ($14 <   6) TMP = 2
                if ($14 <   4) TMP = 2.5
                if ($14 <   3) TMP = 3
                if ($14 <   2) TMP = 5
                if ($14 <   1) TMP = 6
                print $0, TMP

Is it? How about a combination of Scrutinizer's and my approach? With a definition file like

250   0.06
100   0.07
 55   0.08
 50   0.1
 45   0.12
 40   0.13
 35   0.15
 30   0.17
 25   0.24
 20   0.25
 19   0.26
 18   0.28
 17   0.29
 16   0.31
 15   0.33
 14   0.35
 13   0.38
 12   0.41
 11   0.45
 10   0.5
  9   0.55
  8   0.65
  7   0.7
  6   0.85
  4   2
  3   2.5
  2   3
  1   5
  0   6

and an adapted code like

awk '
FNR == NR       {CV[NR] = $1
                 SV[NR] = $2
                 MX     = NR

                {for (i=1; $14<CV && i<MX; i++);
                 print $14, SV
' OFS="\t" definition data

, how would that satisfy your needs and lend itself to easy changes afterwards?

1 Like

That would be even easier and i see how i accidently messed up the code so it only worked with the example. With a seperate file it would be even easier as it only needs editing without touching the code.

The only thing i need to change is the seperator itself as everything we use has ; in it but that is a easy fix. Instead of the OFS i will use the FS = OFS = ";" line in the beginning. At the end i will use $1 and $2 so i can call this script from the other one.

Thank you for the even better version of the script.

A couple min ago i tested the script from you RudiC and it worked superb. My co-workers found it even easier to edit because everything was in a seperate file. Below is the full script as we use it now.

awk '
BEGIN           {FS = OFS = ";"
                print "Reference;EAN;Condition;Stock;Price;Deliverycode;;manufacturer;Titel;MPN;supplier_code;Sup Category;Bol Category;Cost;Marge;Dropship Cost;Bol Vast Comm;Bol Vari Comm;;;;Marge Berekend;CMD;CMD + Bol Comm"
FNR == NR       {CV[NR] = $1
                 SV[NR] = $2
                 MX     = NR

                {for (i=1; $14<CV && i<MX; i++);
                 print $0, SV
' OFS=";" /srv/prijslijst/filters/marges.csv $1 > $2