awk help

HI ,

I have a awk statement like this ..

ps -ef |grep pmon|grep +ASM|awk '{print \$NF}'| cut -d"_" -f3

what it will do is

oracle 42480 1 0 Feb 08 - 24:08 ora_pmon_xxxx

it will return xxxx ( dbname) .

I want to modify the above statement ( it;s failing on solaris platform ) . Any ideas to modify this script to get rid of awk part ?


ps -ef |grep pmon|grep +ASM|awk '{n=split(/_/,arr,$NF);print arr[n]}'

Thankyou . But it didn't help ..

ps -ef |grep pmon|grep w414d|awk '{n=split(/_/,arr,$NF);print arr[n]}'

my problem is my statement is working most of the time but some times it's not returning the correct value . May be because awk filed problem (?) ..

I always want to parse that last line in the output .e.g.

oracle 42480 1 0 Feb 08 - 24:08 ora_pmon_xxxx

what ever values in between I don't care . I am using awk and cut ststement to do this . But it's failing .any ideas to improve this code ?


What failed? Put here the input line of awk, I mean after ps -ef |grep pmon|grep w414d
and the awk's output.

You may take last line by 'tail -1' :
ps -ef |grep pmon|grep w414d | tail -1

This is the command I am using :

ps -ef |grep pmon|grep xxxx |awk '{print \$NF}'| cut -d"_" -f3

to parse this kind of output :

oracle 31060078 1 0 May 08 - 37:05 ora_pmon_xxxx

and it's working most of the time and some times it's failing with this message :

Connection to Server -f3 failed

so instaed of giving DB name it's giving the -f3 .

didn't understand why it's giving -f3 sometimes ?


no idea

not tested

ps -ef |nawk '/pmon/ && /xxxx/ {match($NF, "_[^_]*$");   print substr($NF,RSTART+1)}'

If you "hate" awk, you can use sed ^^

 echo "oracle 42480 1 0 Feb 08 - 24:08 ora_pmon_xxxx" | sed 's/.*_//g'

when I execute this ...

ps -ef |nawk '/pmon/ && /xxxx/ {match($NF, "_[^_]*$");print substr($NF,RSTART+1)}'

it's returning the below output ....


it should return xxxx not with substr.


$ echo 'oracle 31060078 1 0 May 08 - 37:05 ora_pmon_xxxx' | nawk '/pmon/ && /xxxx/ {match($NF, "_[^_]*$");print substr($NF,RSTART+1)}'

Validate your code.

Thanks For your help !!!