AWK help print dirs with files in it


I'm writing some start of day checks for my work. I want to check some dirs for files that have been created longer than 10 mins ago and not been transfered. I've already used a find command to write a list of files that meet this criteria to a log called sod.log


I'm now updating the script that writes the output to the screen if such files exist.

I thought something like this would work but It does not seem to

for outgo in dir1 dir2 dir3 dir4
awk '/outgoing/ && /'"$outgo"'/ {print $0} sod.log || grep -q "$outgo" || print file in outgoing dir $outgo please check.

Any help would be appreciated.


I'm not sure what out you want or what your requirements are. Kinda vague.

This does what you seem to want

find /filetransfer/dir*/outgoing -mmin +10 |
while read fname
     echo "Please check file in outgoing directory: $(dirname $(dirname $fname)) "
done > sort -u