awk for comparing two files

so have file1 like this:

joe 123
jane 456

and then file2 like this:

123 left right
456 up down
joe ding dong
jane flip flop

what I need to do is compare col1 and col2 in file1 with col1 in file2 and generate a new file that has lines like this:

joe 123 ding dong left right
jane 456 flip flop up down

what I did so far is this:

# this grabs the 'left' value
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2;next} {print $1,$2,a[$2]}' file2 file1 >> file3
# this grabs the 'right' value
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$3;next} {print $1,$2,$3,a[$2]}' file2 file3 >> file4

which generates this line:

joe 123 left right

but I am stuck on grabbing joe's 'ding dong' and also, am I doing this right with multiple awk lines, or can it be made more compact ?

awk 'END {
  for (i = 0; ++i <= FNR;) 
    print r
NR == FNR {
  f[$1] = substr($0, index($0, $2)) 
  for (i = 0; ++i <= NF;)
    $i in f && r[FNR] = (r[FNR] ? r[FNR] : $0) \
      FS f[$i]
  }' file2 file1  
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thanks. sorry for not putting the outputs in code tags as well.
where do I place an IF check to skip lines like this in file1:

joe joe (skip)
joe 123 (keep)
123 123 (skip)
awk 'END {
  for (i = 0; ++i <= FNR;) 
    if (i in r) print r
NR == FNR {
  f[$1] = substr($0, index($0, $2)) 
$1 != $2 { 
  for (i = 0; ++i <= NF;)
    $i in f && r[FNR] = (r[FNR] ? r[FNR] : $0) \
      FS f[$i]
  }' file2 file1
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I think I'm starting to love awk ! it's awesome :slight_smile:

Another way.

awk 'NR==FNR{c[$1 FS $2];next} {a[$1]=a[$1] FS $2 FS $3}
    END{for ( i in c) {split(i,x,FS);if (x[1]!=x[2]) print i,a[x[1]],a[x[2]]}}' file1 file2
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thanks, rdcwayx, both solutions worked fine.

now I want to loop through both files and for each row I want to check if file1's 3th column equals file2's 4th column then append 5th column from file1 at the end of all the rows it matched in file2. example:

john doe 123 left right

address1 phone1 email1 123
address2 phone2 email2 123

address1 phone1 email1 123 right
address2 phone2 email2 123 right

By respect for people who are helping you please give all your requirements at once, so people could provide an accurrate answer from the beginning.

ctsgnb, as you see from the date, first issue was a week ago, and this new thing I have to do is a different one even though it seems similar to you :slight_smile:

anyone, please ?

nawk 'NR==FNR{A[$3]=$5;next}{print $0 (($4 in A)?FS A[$4]:z)}' file1 file2

---------- Post updated at 07:27 PM ---------- Previous update was at 07:26 PM ----------

$ cat f1
john doe 123 left right
$ cat f2
address1 phone1 email1 123
address2 phone2 email2 123
$ nawk 'NR==FNR{A[$3]=$5;next}{print $0 (($4 in A)?FS A[$4]:z)}' f1 f2
address1 phone1 email1 123 right
address2 phone2 email2 123 right
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awk 'NR==FNR{a[$3]=$5;next}{print $0,a[$4]}' file1 file2
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thanks to both of you :b: