awk execution problem in csh

This has no error

awk '($8==150) && ($4>=11.001 && $4 <= 12) && ($5>=91.001 && $5<=92){print}' OFS="\t" file

following are unable to run in csh

this is giving error awk: line 1: syntax error at or near  not even working in terminal
awk '($'$gr'=='$grn') && ($'$ll'>='$Y' && $'$ll' <= '$Ym') && ($'$lln'>='$X' && $'$lln'<='$Xm'){print}' OFS="\t" file

following if statement is not working

if (awk -v Xn=$X -v Xm=$Xm -v Yn=$Y -v Ym=$Ym -v gr=$grn 'BEGIN { exit ($'$grd'==gr && $'$ll' >= Yn && $'$ll' <= Ym && $'$lln' >=Xn && $'$lln' <=Xm) ? 0 : 1 }' $file)
echo "Yes"
echo "No"

Perhaps you need to keep awk OFS="\t" more completely quoted in csh, as it triggers csh meta-processing?