AWK--does anyone remember it

I am trying to run awk on a 55 page Word document.
I wanted to delete every occurrence of <company>, <script>, </scripts> from the file then cut & paste all of the appropriate fields to an Excel spreadsheet.

Also the code is suppose to replace the dates in a new format such as "xxxx-xx-xx" Is there someone out there who can help?

I tried saving my code in a .exe file on Linux, as follows:
awk -F, Test1
date1[i]= " "
temp[i]= " "
date2[i]= " "
i = 0
for(i = 1; i <= NF; i = i + 1)
wk -F, Test1
date1[i]= " "
temp[i]= " "
date2[i]= " "
i = 0
for(i = 1; i <= NF; i = i + 1)
date1[i]= "20040811"




Hi All,
I am trying to convert the current date field in the file with a specific format such as 2004-08-11 instead of 20040811.

I have merged the cross-posted threads. Please read the rules before posting.

Take note of rule 4.

This snippet shows a method of formatting the date by using the substr function in awk.

awk 'BEGIN { date="20041225";
  year=substr( date, 1, 4 );
  month=substr( date, 5, 2 );
  day=substr( date, 7, 2 );
  printf( "%d-%d-%d", year, month, day );

This will print
