awk command to test if a string is a file

What awk command will test a string to determine if it is a valid file name?

With the following awk statement I isolate the lines from the inputfile that might contain a filename, then I attempt to test the possible filename which is always in $4 from each line. However it is not working at all as i do not think the system command gets passed $4 from awk. Have been struggling with this all day

Should be something like this:

if (system("test -r " $4)){
  print $4 " not found"
else {
  print $4 " found"

Hi Arsenalman!

First of all:

means empty string (literally line which has beginning and end and nothing between them).
Then 'then'. I usually don't use it in awk scripts. My awk gives no error if I put it after 'if'-statement, but I'm not sure that its behavior is correct.
Now your system call:

Obviously you meant, that 'system' will invoke 'ls $4', print the exit code of the command back to awk script and then awk will print it with 'print $0'. It doesn't work such way. :slight_smile:
'system' simply calls a system command and does not return the output of the command to awk. What it returns is....I'll give you three guesses... Yeahh.. The exit code of the invoked command.

exit_code=system("ls " $4)

would do in your case, but it is better to use a special shell command which checks whether its argument is a file: 'test -f'. It returns 1 if the tested thing is not a file, and 0 if it is, so we have

exit_code=system("test -f " $4)

now we need to check what the exit code was

exit_code=system("test -f " $4)
if (exit_code) # condition in brackets which isn't 0 or Empty means TRUE
                   # in our case exit_code would be 1 if file does not exist
   print $4 " is not a file"
   print $4 " is a file"

You can do it even smarter. You don't need to store the exit code in an explicit variable. You can use 'system' straight in your 'if' condition:

if ( system("test -f " $4) )
   print $4 " is not a file"
   print $4 " is a file"

I hope I could help

Franklin52, sidorenko thank you both for your valuable input, it has help me take further today, still no cigar. Will definitely post when I hit jack pot or getting close and need a little more guidance.

Finally hit the jack pot. again thank you for your contribution which help me move forward along to my destination:

print $0
if ( $1 ~ /^#/ ) {
        print $0 }
if ( NF == 4 ){
    if ( system("test -d " $4) ) {
    else {
        print "1        0       0       "$4 "\n" }