awk command to omit trailer record in a file

I am trying to omit the trailer record in a variable width file

I tried using awk 'NR >1 { print prev } { prev = $0 }' filename

The above command is giving output but somehow it is trimming columns from the record. For example if my record has columns A,B,C,D
The awk gives output as A,B,C

My file has field separator as tab and record separator as Form Feed Line Feed or <FF><LF>

Is this an issue with the above separators? Please suggest

Provide us the sample input data and the output for your awk command

Sample records

1       1       InPayANZ        12.0000         NZD                             NOW             011179099848025

2       2       InPayNonANZ     25.0000         NZD                             NOW             011179099848025

4       4       IP-OUR-NONANZ   20.0000         NZD                             NOW             011179099848025


1       1       InPayANZ        12.0000         NZD  

2       2       InPayNonANZ     25.0000         NZD

I am not sure if your data really contains so many empty lines, maybe you need to adapt this a bit:

sed -n '$ !p' /path/to/infile > /path/to/outfile

I hope this helps.


awk 'NR>1{print prev} {prev = $0}' ORS='\n\n' RS= sam