awk command to get file content until 2 occurrence of pattern match

AWK command to get file content until 3 occurrence of pattern match,


JMS_BODY_FIELD:JMSText = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<custOptIn xmlns="http://com/walm/ta/cu/ccs/xml2">

JMS_BODY_FIELD:JMSText = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<custOptIn xmlns="http://com/walm/ta/cu/ccs/xml3">

JMS_BODY_FIELD:JMSText = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<custOptIn xmlns="http://com/walm/ta/cu/ccs/xml1">

JMS_BODY_FIELD:JMSText = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<custOptIn xmlns="http://com/walm/ta/cu/ccs/xml">

Can you help me to get awk command to print lines three occurrence of JMS_BODY_FIELD

Example output should be:

JMS_BODY_FIELD:JMSText = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<custOptIn xmlns="http://com/walm/ta/cu/ccs/xml2">

JMS_BODY_FIELD:JMSText = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<custOptIn xmlns="http://com/walm/ta/cu/ccs/xml3">

JMS_BODY_FIELD:JMSText = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<custOptIn xmlns="http://com/walm/ta/cu/ccs/xml1">

Is there anything you have done, already? Where are you having troubles with?
Please, could you edit your post to surround your examples with the proper CODE tags, in order to preserve any blank spaces?

I have below awk command but it brings all the lines to single messages when ever it finds JMS_BODY_FIELD, I want them just like that without bringing them to single line.

awk 'BEGIN{ORS=FS}/JMS_BODY_FIELD/{if(NR>1)$0=RS$0}1;END{print RS}'

Take a look at my quote of your post. This is how it must look when you post. Please, use the CODE tags.

awk '/^JMS_BODY_FIELD/ && ++c <= 3' ORS="\n\n" RS= input.file

IT works nice, Thanks buddy!