awk / bash globbing question

I would like to process a list of files matching: GPS*\.xyz with an awk script. I would then like to output the files to GPS*\.xyz.out (e.g. the same file name appended with .out). Something like:

awk '{if(NR==1) {offset=-$1}; $1=$1+offset; print }' GPS*.xyz

this does exactly what I want EXCEPT redirecting the output appropriately. I tried

awk '{ ... print > FILENAME.out}' GPS*.xyz
awk '{...}' GPS*.xyz > GPS*.xyz.out

but as expected this did not work.

I realize that putting this in:

for f in ls GPS*.xyz

loop would work as I need but I would like an elegant solution that I can learn from.


Brandon Franzke

Since you are reading several files, NR probably should be FNR:

awk 'FNR==1 {offset=-$1;next} {$1+=offset; print >FILENAME".out"}' PS*.xyz
awk 'FNR==1 {offset=-$1;if(NR>1) close(of);of=FILENAME".out"} {$1+=offset; print >of}' GPS*.xyz

close() may be needed to prevent having too many files open.

awk 'FNR==1 {offset=$1;close(f);f=FILENAME".out";next}{$1-=offset; print >f}' GPS*.xyz

The next is there becasue I assume you don't want the line with the offset to be printed.