Awaiting response of my posts!!

I am in need to get a reply of my below post:

The UNIX and Linux Forums > Special Forums > IP Networking
How to connect internet in Linux OS

This post is 'how I can get my internet connected in my Linux system via cell phone'.

Any suggestion on how to make my post more readable by viewers so that I can expect a reply.

My cell has DUN SW from Sprint for windows, and nice thing, bluetooth access, so cable optional! Do you have the DUN SW for your phone? Some phones need to have thir ANI turnd off or to be on contract for this use. Some can be wifi hotspots, if you have a wifi card. linux\ cell\ dun - Google Search

Wrong forum?

Demanding a fast reply or complaining about no reply will not help you. We are all volunteers here on this forum board.

If somebody here knows the answer to your question, they will normally answer your question.