Average of elements throught multiple files


I got a lot of files looking like this:


All together there are ard 1'000'000 lines in each of the ard 100 files.
I want to build the average for every line, and write the result to a new file.
The averaging should start at a specific line, here for example at line 380'000.

Help is much appreciated...


PS: This should be done for data files of CFD calculations, exactly to average a transient calculation and read it with postprocessor again.
So the first (here ard 380'000) lines are the coordinates of the field points following hereafter...

Do you mean average accross hundreds of files - ie., line 474000 average from files 1...200? This would mean each file has the same number of lines, which based on your explanation does not seem to be the case.

Hi jim,

yep, you are rite.
Maybe i wrote a little confused, English isnt my mother tongue...

Anyway, rite now I got 100 files each with 1'050'000 rows, just one column.
Every file is a specific point of time.
I want an average for each line over all the 100 files (Line 1 for all 100 files, Line 2 ...).
However, I need to start averaging at a specific line, something ard 380'000.
These first 380'000 rows are coordinate points.

I think first I need to join the files, that I get one file with 1'050'000 rows and 100 columns. I tried:

 cut -f 1 data0050_1.ip data0055_1.ip | pr -2 -t > test.ip 

just for two files, but it isnt working.
It seems that there is a limit for the lenght of the files...

pressure 2
velocity 23
. 345
. .
. .
2 .
3 pressure
6 .
5 .
64 .

Pressure is supposed to be the first row...

Thank you for your help

Could you (not in proper syntax)

while read filelisting
cat -n file >>bigfile

sort bigfile >sortedfile

you would then have sortedfile looking like
1 123.1222
.. ... (98 more)
1 1.509 (last)
2 56.789

Perhaps then awk could sum up all for field1 is the same

Two concerns:
(a) bigfile will be a REALLY long file
(c) will the next sort command die with the REALLY long file?

Great. I got it. Try something like this.
Assume your files have the same base name with numbers after them 1 - 100 or so and the files are called filename1... filename<nnn>


> outputfile
for file in filename*
	sed -n '380000, $p' $file >> outputfile
	filecount=$(( filecount + 1))
awk -v filecount=$filecount '
            BEGIN { i=1}
            { avg[ i % 670000]+=$1 }
     	END{for (i=1; i<= 670000; i++) { printf("%.3f\n", avg/filecount) }) ' outputfile > avgfile

The %.3f format specifier controls the precision of the output, this rounds to 1000ths

Hello jim,

thank you very much for your help.
The first part is working, the second part brings a syntax error at awk line 3.
Unfortunately, I dont know anything about awk.
I will check the syntax in the next few days, since it seems to me very powerful.
I would be very happy, if you could help me again anyway, because I think I need some time to get the awk usage...

One more question about sorting the files:
The first part makes a really big file, while I cant see at which position one file ends and the next is starting. Actually, you set an awk comand with the number 670'000, I think thats the file lenght of each seperate file in the big outpufile, is that rite?
Anyway, do you know, how i can join multiple one column files to one multiple column file. Seems to me not to be a really difficult task, however, I cant find any helpful information.

Thank you very much


I found the syntax error, the last bracket was the wrong one... ) > }
Anyway, it is not working rite, avgfile:


Tried with just 5 files.

 perl -MIO::File -MList::Util=sum -e '@_=map{new IO::File$_,"r"}@ARGV;for(;;){print sum(map{exit unless <$_>}@_)/@_."\n"}' *

Not mine...from a trustable guru sitting near me who was interested......

As for the "from a certain line" his answer was "just tail the output - which is fair :slight_smile:

a nawk solution:

 nawk '{x[FNR]+=$0;y[FNR]++}END{while(y[++i]){printf("%.3f\n",x/y)}}' *

again - tail the output ie | tail+380000


I got following solution:


for file in data*.ip
sed -i -n '382976, $p' $file
sed -i 's/[.]/,/g' $file
filecount=$(( filecount + 1))
echo $filecount

paste data*.ip > data.ip

cat data.ip | awk '{ printf("%.12f\n", ($1+$2+$3+$4+$5+$6+$7+$8+$9+$10+$11+$12+$13+$14+$15+$16+$17+$18+$19+$20+$21+$22+$23+$24+$25+$26+$27+$28+$29+$30+$31+$32+$33+$34+$35+$36+$37+$38+$39+$40+$41+$42+$43+$44+$45+$46+$47+$48+$49+$50+$51+$52+$53+$54+$55+$56+$57+$58+$59+$60+$61+$62+$63+$64+$65+$66+$67+$68+$69+$70+$71+$72+$73+$74+$75+$76+$77+$78+$79+$80+$81+$82+$83+$84+$85+$86+$87+$88+$89+$90+$91+$92+$93+$94+$95+$96+$97+$98+$99+$100)/100) }' > data.out

sed -i 's/[,]/./g' data.out

Its not really elegant, but it is working so far.
How can I do an easier average?

This is not really good as well:

sed -i -n '382976, $p' $file
sed -i 's/[.]/,/g' $file

How can i combine both? Tried it with the -e parameter, didnt work...
And how can I write to multiple seperate files, without the -i?
(data01.txt to data01_new.txt for example)

Isnt it possible to use parameters in sed?


for file in data*.ip
sed -i -n '${1}, $p' $file
sed -i 's/[.]/,/g' $file
filecount=$(( filecount + 1))
echo $filecount

for file in data*.ip
sed -i -n 'row, $p' $file
sed -i 's/[.]/,/g' $file
filecount=$(( filecount + 1))
echo $filecount

How can I cut row with sed from an defined row downwards?
And how can I paste rows after the cutting position?
(File1 has 1'000'000 row, I just want keep the first 300'000. File2 has 700'000 rows, I want paste these in File1 starting at position 300'001)

Thank you very much and a very nice weekend...

Hi Tytalus,

thanks for answer.
You posted while I was writing.

Looks really short, will check both asap and post a solution...

So long