average of distinct values with awk

Hi guys, I am not an expert in shell and I need help with awk command. I have a file with values like

200 1 1
200 7 2
200 6 3
200 5 4
300 3 1
300 7 2
300 6 3
300 4 4

I need resulting file with averages of col 2 and 3 based on values on col 1. So the output should be like

200 4.5 2.5
300 5 2.5

I would really appreciate any help.


awk '{a[$1]+=$2; b[$1]+=$3; c[$1]++} END{for(i in a) print i, a/c , b/c}' file

If you want the keep the order of the 1st column:

awk '{a[$1]+=$2; b[$1]+=$3; c[$1]++} END{for(i in a) print i, a/c , b/c|"sort -n"}' file

or gawk:

WHINY_USERS=1 gawk '{a[$1]+=$2; b[$1]+=$3; c[$1]++} END{for(i in a) print i, a/c , b/c}' file

or without the external sort:

nawk '!($1 in a) {key[++key[0]]=$1}{a[$1]+=$2; b[$1]+=$3; c[$1]++} END{for(i=1;i<=key[0];i++) print key, a[key]/c[key] , b[key]/c[key]}' myFile

Thank you so much!!. It worked;