Average of columns

I have files that have the following columns

chr    pos    ref    alt    sample 1    sample 2    sample 3
chr2    179644035    G    A    1,107    0,1    58,67
chr7    151945167    G    T    142,101    100,200    500,700
chr13    31789169    CTT    CT,C    6,37,8    0,0,0    15,46,89
chr22    50962208    T    G    1,107    1,10    0,0
chr23    4373957984    CTT    A,T,G,C    0,1,2,4    0,0,1,3    9,4,6,2

I need to take the average of the values comma separated for each sample rounded to 2 decimal point to have the following output

chr    pos    ref    alt    sample 1    sample 2    sample 3
chr2    179644035    G    A    54    0.5    62.5
chr7    151945167    G    T    121.5    150    600
chr13    31789169    CTT    CT,C    17    0    50
chr22    50962208    T    G    54    5.5    0
chr23    4373957984    CTT    A,T,G,C    1.75    1    5.25

Any guide in using awk to achieve this will be extremly helpful

Hello nans,

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So kindly do add your efforts in your question and let us know then.

R. Singh

Hello R.Singh,

I haven't come anywhere near but this is what I have so far which is terribly wrong

awk '{a[FNR]=a[FNR]+$5;b[FNR]++;}END{for(i in a){print i,a/b}}' file.txt > output

I was working on trying to get the average on sample 1 only. Here I was intending to take the 5th column, separate them and then calculate its average but obviously this doesn't do that


awk '
NR > 1  {for (i=5; i<=NF; i++)  {n   = split ($i, T, ",")
                                 for (j=1; j<=n; j++) SUM += T[j]
                                 $i  = SUM/n
                                 SUM = 0
' OFS="\t" file
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