AutoSys (updating global variable)

Hello all,

I am very new at both AutoSys and VBScript. I have looked at the manual for hours however I just can't figure it out, the following is the problem:

NOTE: AutoSys is being used in all Windows environment. But realizing that this is a UNIX forum, please do provide the answer however I do prefer an answer for Windows OS.

Alright then,

Using VBScript (not Visual Basic), how can I issue commands to JIL (Job Information Language) to get the value of a global variable (TEMP) belonging to AutoSys? How do I update the value? Also, everytime you exit JIL, JIL outputs the exit code, how can I capture that exit code?

Please note that we are using SQL databases and that the global variable TEMP belongs to a table consisting of all the global variables within the AutoSys.

Thanks a million in advance.

Alright then,

I figured out that I didn't need to use JIL to update the AutoSys global variables. I got it going by issuing the sendevent commands via the command prompt (comspec).

But, how do I get the values of the global variable table? It is a SQL database.