Autosys Job

I need to know the list of autosys job that run between given time.

I have the following command.

job_depends -t -J abc% -F  "12/25/2010 03:00" -T  "12/26/2010 05:00"

Above command will give the list of job that run between time 3 AM and 5 AM.

But the it gives me in random order how to order it either ASC or DESC order?

Thanks in Advance

Please can you post an example of the output. We can then consider the sort options, unless someone can suggest flags for the "job_depends" command, that I must admit I have not met before. Is this standard in your operating system or is this a layered product? A simple search suggests that this is CA software. If so, then you should have the manuals at your site.

It also appears to be a Windows/DOS command from the quick glance at the manual.

Can you elaborate?
