Autosys Job update


could someone tell me how do I update an autosys job?

i was trying something like:

$ jil < solarCleaning.jil -V none

Insert/Updating Job: solarCleaning

*** CANNOT INSERT Job: solarCleaning, because it ALREADY EXISTS ***

Database Change WAS NOT successful.


Exit Code = 1


Can you please post the contents of the JIL?

sure !!

/* ----------------- solarCleaning ----------------- */

insert_job: solarCleaning job_type: c
command: /home/egte4125/autosys/
machine: gcatfs1d
owner: egte4125@devmac
permission: gx,wx
date_conditions: 1
days_of_week: all
start_mins: 00,10,20,30,40,50
description: "..."
std_in_file: /home/egte4125/autosys/io.log
std_out_file: /home/egte4125/autosys/standard.log
std_err_file: /home/egte4125/autosys/error.log
alarm_if_fail: 1

I saw it!!!

I wrote insert instead of update

any way thanks!!!!