Autosys filewatcher + ksh script


A ------> B ------> C

I have a scenario where each day, my server B would ftp to server A and pull (A,B,C,D,E) from a specific directory.

Server C would need files (B,D) only when server B finished receiving from server A. These files change everyday, so sometimes it takes longer / shorter to arrive to server B.

Now my question is .. do i need an autosys filewatcher to do this? I already have a script to pull from server B to server C

When you get it from A, push it to C. Push and watch locally is much more sensibile than watch remote. Of course, the usual solution is scheduling the C pull late enough to deal with any variances, and letting operations and prod support deal with the outliers.


Thanks for the quick response. I don't have access to server A and it has to be a pull / pull. So server B pull from server A and server C pull from server B.

Server C needs these files asap so I can't really set a long timer before I pull them from B to C. :frowning:

well, an expect-style ftp script can ls and examine the output and sleep.

(. . . while ( $( grep -c 'ssss' <new_log_file) < 1 ) do sleep 1;echo ls done . . .)|ftp . . . >new_log_file 2>&1