autorep command in the script

I have created UNIX script for getting information for the autosys jobs using autorep command.

echo $Job_name
autorep -j $job_name -l0

After running the script I am getting the below error

Error while loading shared libraries: cannot share object files: No such a file or directory.

I can see the the autorep command in the unix server .

i can see the autorep command. but i am unable to execute in the sheel script.

There must be something amiss with your "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" shell environ. Try:


... in your login shell and as the first line in your shell script to compare the values.
Secondly, search your system for the file:

find / -name\* -print

And add that directory path to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable.
Oh. And failing that, check the search permissions on directories, and read permissions on the libraries.