automounting cifs folder

I have searched the forum but I can't find what I need.
I have to mount an NTFS folder onto 2 redhat OS based servers, from an auto table set on an AIX 4.3.3 NIS server.
I have the table set with some other UNIX share folders, for example :

toto unixsrv:/fold1/&

I'd like to automount [\\winsrv\fold1](file://\\winsrv\fold1) onto redhat1:/div/fold1

  • How do I change my table to set [\\winsrv\fold1](file://\\winsrv\fold1) ?

fold1 winsrv:/div/& is correct or not ?

  • what options do I have to set to enable the CIFS mounting ? can I set them in the table ?

NB: the table is pushed by NIS onto redhat NIS clients, and entries are automounted on /div directeory
Thanks a lot for your help