automount specific USB-disk to specified path

I was just talking to a friend of mine about a problem I have, and he suggested that udev could probably help me. Allthough he couldn't give me any hints on how to accomplish what i want to.

I have read the manual and searched google, but without any good info... here's the thing...

I am running Debian Etch, and have 3 USB disks.
I would like to give them "names" in order to correctly automount them to some specific path.

For simplicity, lets call the Seagate, Maxtor and Samsung.
I would like to allways mount them into /share/USB/Seagate, /share/USB/Maxtor and /share/USB/Samsung
The problem is just that they never have the same devicename. Seagate can at one time be sda1, and the next sdc1.

How can I make it so that no matter what devicename the disks got, the Seagate disks allways automounts in /share/USB/Seagate and so on?

I have these udev rules for an IDE-to-USB device:

# /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules
# The raw device
SYSFS{product}=="Cypress AT2LP Demo RC17", SYSFS{serial}=="000000000000", KERNEL=="sd?", NAME="%k", SYMLINK+="hotswap-bay"
# Its partitions
SYSFS{product}=="Cypress AT2LP Demo RC17", SYSFS{serial}=="000000000000", KERNEL=="sd?*", NAME="%k", SYMLINK+="hotswap-bay%n"

It generates the symlinks /dev/hotswap-bay1, /dev/hotswap-bay2, etc. when the device is detected. You may wish to forgo the symlinks and just make the device itself named that instead of whatever the kernel gives it, i.e. %k.

Note that debian probably keeps its local rules in a slightly different filename, though it does apparently have /etc/udev/rules.d

This page from the debian wiki shows you how to obtain the parameters to identify the device with.

I got some help from a colleague of mine today with the problem. The answer was e2label. =)