Automation Script to generate SLA report as PPT

Hi All,

We have one client.for this client some jobs got scheduled. Those jobs will run daily/weekly/Monthly. But once it runs it will generate some log files with date and Timestamp. In log folder it contains the complete logs of that particular job.
By end of every month we are going to take the log files and deleting the timestamo.log and keeing those logfilenames in Excel sheet with the following details.

we are generating this report after completion of very month.

Date || Job_name || Start_time || end_time </code>

every month we are retrieving the data manually then we are exporting the final data to PPT. can you please let us know is there any way to retrieve the data Automatically and it should remove the timestamp.log and it should save the data in Excel first then exporting the data into PPT.

if Automation is possible please let us know the code in any language and please let me know if you required any other information.

Thanks in advance.