Automatic FTP Script from windows to unix machine


i need to FTP files from windows to unix(sun) machine using script. what are the scripts commands i need to use to transfer files


You can create batch file (.bat) and use the window's native FTP client to do a file transfer.. see below.

rem ===========================
cd \windowsfolder
echo open>autoxfer.txt
echo user yourFTPUsername>>autoxfer.txt
echo YourFTPPassword>>autoxfer.txt
echo binary>>autoxfer.txt
echo cd />>autoxfer.txt
echo put FileName.exe>>autoxfer.txt
echo quit>>autoxfer.txt
ftp -v -n -s:autoxfer.txt

is there any way to write script without downloading the third party software?

I have a files on windows machine at \\Laoefr02\gigimstr$

and i want down load these files on unix machine at /users/home

we need to do automatic process every night .please provide sample script for these functions.
