Automatic Email of Log Files in OSX


I am trying to write a shell script that will take the log files from a single folder (all ending with .log), put them into an archive, use something to encrypt the file, and then emailx to email the resulting encrypted archive to me.

Of course, I am open to suggestions on how to improve this process. Essentially, I need this script, when run, to email me log files in a secure way.

Or, even better, if the script could run automatically. But I'll worry about that later.

So far....

#! /bin/sh

archiveName = `date {y}--{m}--{d}_{h}-{m}-{s}`

gzip -r $logPath    <--- How do I specify that I want the archive name to be $archiveName?

#What do I use to add some form of strong-ish encryption to the archive?

#What would be the appropriate syntax for emailx? Or is there a better way to transfer the file back to me?
mailx -s "$archiveName" < $logpath/log.gz

Seems strange, I know. It's for a very particular task at work I'm working on. Rather than spending hours trying to figure this out, I was hoping to receive some help along the way. Thank you so much for your time.

Edit: Added what I think should work for emailx syntax.

archiveName=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S`

tar cvf - $logPath |gzip > $logPath.$archiveName.tar.gz