automated plotting


I would like to make a lot of plots with for instance xmgrace and don't know how.

I have a directory with about 500 data files with the same structure and I want to plot always the same columns. I don't know how to call xmgrace to produce a, say, gif plot of the columns 3 and 4 of Splotch4_0380_part.asc.gz (yes, it's gzipped!) and do the same for the rest of files (500 in total or so)

Any hint?


Did you try gnuplot

I don't really know quite well gnuplot, how would you do that with gnuplot?

Can gnuplot cope with gzipped data files?

IT should be something like

for fitxer in $( ls *.asc.gz); do;


Can you fill in the gaps??? :smiley: