Automate OTPW login to ssh via bash script

Hello everyone.

I'm a Linux novice trying out a lot of bash scripting lately, as it is so very addictive.

Lately I have been setting up one of my boxes remotely and have been hardening it as much as possible. Please allow me to explain the scenario, as it does tend to become a little complicated (at least for me). :slight_smile:

The target box is a debian system. I have implemented the following:

  1. - portknocking (to open up ssh port)
  2. - I use keys to connect instead of password
  3. - I also use OTPW (one time passwords) in addition (its a 2 factor authentication).

So it must satisfy both requirements in order to allow me to login. Up to this point it all works great as expected. At some point when I need to scp some files or I need to login multiple times a day, it gets a bit annoying with the OTPW, so I created a small shell script where I would enter the challenge number and it will grep my pass file and provide me with the one-time-pass to use for this login. So i can just copy/paste it. This part also works fine so far.

Now, I want to create a shell script... that will do the initial ssh connection and wait for the response at the login which looks like this:

Authenticated with partial success.
Password 067: 

So it asks me for my one time password for number 067

I want the script to automatically read the 067 and place it in a variable, so that I can use that variable to calculate my pass needed (i have the part already working where i can enter the number and get a pass from it), and after this process is done to send the password for 067 to the server to complete the login process.

The script that I have made where I can enter manually the number 067 and it greps and cuts the results to my liking (which works) is:

### Please set the location folder of your otpw keys
### Please set the filname of your otpw keys.
### Do NOT edit anything below this line, unless you know what you are doing! ###
function NOR () {
        echo ""
        echo ""
        echo -n "Please enter your challenge password :"
        read def
        echo ""
        echo ""
        echo -n "Please enter your requested challenge number: "
        read nnum
        echo ""
        echo ""
        echo -n "Your requested login credentials are: "; grep -E -o ".{0}$nnum.{0,10}" $loc$file | cut -c 5- | tr -d ' ' > temp-key-file-otpw
        tput setaf 1; echo -n "$def" && cat temp-key-file-otpw ; tput sgr0
        echo ""
        echo ""
        echo "Have a nice day `whoami`"
        echo ""
        rm temp-key-file-otp*
        exit 0
function SEC () {
#removed for forum post as this step is not required at the moment)
echo -n "Do you require a normal login credential or a security login credential? ( n/s or 'c' for cancel ): "
read type 
while :
        case $type in
                        exit 1
                s)      SEC
                        exit 1
                        echo ""
                        echo "Operation canceled. Have a nice day :-)"
                        echo ""
                        echo ""
                        exit 0
                        echo ""
                        echo "Invalid selection."
                        echo "Please run this script again if you wish to try again."
                        echo ""
                        read -p "Press 'ENTER' to continue."
                        echo ""
                        echo ""
                        exit 0

So in this script, I enter the number given to me by the challenge from the SSH login, and it returns for me the one-time-pass.

I now need a script that will by itself read the challenge, and automatically do similar/same steps as above and complete the login automatically.

What I have so far is:

# Test for otpw auto login
# v0.1-Alpha
function b0x () {
echo ""
echo -n "Please enter your static password for the challenge key: "
echo ""
echo "Connecting now to srv1 ..."
echo ""
#local CMD
CMD=`knock -v **** **** **** ; ssh -p 8588`
echo "$CMD"
#echo $challenge
exit 0
echo ""
echo "Welcome `whoami`"
echo ""
echo "Please choose the server you wish to login to"
echo ""
echo ""
echo "1)"
echo "2)"
echo "3)"
echo ""
echo -n "Please choose 1/2/3 or 'c' to cancel (1/2/3/c) : "
while :
                case $SERVER in
                                exit 1
                                exit 1
                                exit 1
                                echo ""
                                echo "Operation cancelled. Have a nice day `whoami` :-)"
                                echo ""
                                echo ""
                                exit 0
                                echo ""
                                echo "Invalid selection."
                                echo "Please run this script again if you wish to retry."
                                echo ""
                                read -p "Press 'ENTER' to continue"
                                echo ""
                                echo ""
                                exit 0
### EOF ###

There is alot of stuff commented out or missing in this script, but please ignore those, as it is nowhere near complete.

NOTE: Just to be clear, i only need help with the part of getting the 067 response put in to a variable, from there I should be able to tackle the rest on my own.

Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile:


The problem is you want to borrow the tty to get data, but then continue to use it interactively. You'll need a middle-man.

expect is a tcl program that can script interactive programs, and I assume give control back to the terminal once the login is done. I am sorry I can't further assist with it's language though.