Automate DIRECTORY ENTRY when in remote SHELL

Good day all
I am trying to figure out how to automate the command [cd] in a shell script that i have written.
Some context:
The script does the following on the local host

banner 'QikCopy'
echo "Please insert file name for SCP command!"
read file DUMMY
scp -p $file user@remotehost:/aim002/DSExtras/SeqFiles/
banner "Redirect"
ssh remotehost

The last line of code executes , it is at this point i would like to include a


command to take me to a specified directory or access a soft link that alias's a directory on the remote shell :wall:

ssh can take a (remote) command (-list) as a parameter, but I'd bet you want more than just a cd . Please give us more context. Did you consider using a "here document"?

Thanks RudiC


i want to execute will change into a directory which is aliased by a soft link for now .
But i will investigate as per your suggestion :b: