Auto completion of file name in KSH.

Hi All,

I am using SunOS 5.8 verison with KSH shell. My problem is I am not getting auto completion of file name on pressing of TAB or ESC key.

While pressing ESC key , '^[' is getting printed .
TAB is printing doin nothin but jus printing tab.

What should I do to get auto completion of file name on pressing of ESC or TAB.?
Please help me.


set -o vi

# Then use:
ESC then k
ESC then j

Using ksh?
Once you set editor to vi:
command line:

set -o vi

or .profile

 export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi

or in .kshrc

export  FCEDIT=/usr/bin/vi

You will see it work...You use Esc + \
(NB I mean type as if you wanted to print \, for me it would be Alt Gr + \, so You would have to first Escape by pressing Esc then the combination Alt Gr + \)