Attributes value substitution with sed command

I am trying to substitute an attributes value using sed command but it is only possible to substitute the value without space.
input xml

<BillingAddress11300000 Tag="11300000" SectionID="BLA" CustAddrName="CLAUDIA LUCIA DE ALMEIDA" CustAddrStreet="AV ENGENHEIRO RICHARD" CustAddrState="RJ" CustAddrZip="20561-090" CustAddrStreetNo="64" CustAddrComplement="APTO 303" CustAddrCity="RIO DE JANEIRO" CustAddrCounty="GRAJAU"/>

it will read the attribute and value will store it in variable
required output

<BillingAddress11300000 Tag="11300000" SectionID="BLA" CustAddrName="Rodrigo DE Silva" CustAddrStreet="AV ENGENHEIRO RICHARD" CustAddrState="RJ" CustAddrZip="20561-090" CustAddrStreetNo="64" CustAddrComplement="APTO 303" CustAddrCity="RIO DE JANEIRO" CustAddrCounty="GRAJAU"/>

I used the following script

echo "Enter the attribute name" 
read att 
echo "enter new value" 
read value  
sed "s|$att\=\S*\S|$att=\"$value\"|g" test.xml>>out.xml

It is possible to substitute the attribute's value with this code with no space but it is not possible the f value substitution (The one with the space) with this script
How to implement this scenario?

Yes, it is, but I think you should first complete this thread.

Sir,I have completed the same

No. You have not. Just because you posted a thread in the homework section does not give you the right to open another thread in the main forums hoping that we will do your homework for you.

Learn to use CODE tags correctly...

Do not post the same questions in multiple forums...

Do not post homework in forums other than the Homework and Coursework Forum. Always provide a completely filled out homework template when posting in the Homework and Coursework Forum.

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