attach process from another ssh session


I was logged in on a server, by ssh, with a vim open, when the battery of my laptop got empty.
When I return to the server by ssh, I can see my previous ssh session still open, and the vim process running (ttyp0). Is there a way to attach that vim to my new session (ttyp4)?

Here's part of the output of ps ax -e:

25658 ?        Ss     0:00 sshd: a7@ttyp0
16964 ttyp0    Ss     0:00 -bash
13113 ttyp0    S      0:00 bash
32378 ttyp0    S+     0:00 vi httpd.conf
  989 ?        Ss     0:00 sshd: a7@ttyp4
11880 ttyp4    Ss     0:00 -bash
32600 ttyp4    S      0:00 bash

I know screen, but vim wasn't started in a screen session....

Thanks in advance


To the best of my knowledge, it can't be done.

use retty or screen.
I couldn't make screen do this for me but it seems it could, but retty woks, see "man retty" for bugs , it has some bugs!