at scheduling executes job immediately

Hi all,

I am trying to schedule a one time job using at. First I do a `date` command to capture current date

[myhost]$ date
Fri Aug  8 15:53:20  # shows current date
[myhost]$ at -t 16:00 today #schedule command to run at 4pm
at> command1
at> <EOT> #after pressing Crtl D
job 6 at 2008-08-08 15:53 

and the command1 run immediately.

I schedule the job to run at 4pm. But it instead runs at 3.53pm, which was the time i was scheduling it. Does anybody know why?

It's wrong format.

The correct format is this below.
(man at)

So you should execute this.
#schedule command to run at 4pm

at -t `date +%m%d`1600