associative arrays?

i'm writing a little script that checks a .txt file for a specific ID that came after 9:10 am which outputs it's data to a file LateUsers.txt
once done , it should mention the following:

  1. Number of late users
  2. Number of unique late users
  3. Over all late users percentage
  4. number of days each user is late
  5. send an email to each users with his status ( if late to inform him and if not to just state his hours)

what i'm asking for advice with is point 4 and a part of number 5
more specifically can i have an associative array with 3 fields?
for example:

user1 has a Name an ID and an Email
that way i could grep for ID and then grep for tht id to show the name and then use the email of that record to send him an email (i dont have a prob with the mail step)

find below my start up script :

more a*.txt | awk -F, '{if($2 != "X" && !a[$3]) {a[$3]++;if($4 > "09:10:00") print "ID number " $2 " came in on",substr($3,6,5)," at",substr($4,0,5),"after 09:10";}}' > ./LateUsers.txt;
echo "######################################################"
more ./LateUsers.txt;
echo "######################################################"
NumberOfLateUsers=$(more LateUsers.txt |  cut -d ' ' -f3 | sort | uniq | wc -l)
echo "number of late users is $NumberOfLateUsers"
echo "######################################################"
echo "which have the following IDs: "
more LateUsers.txt |  cut -d ' ' -f3 | sort | uniq
echo "######################################################"
Percentage=`expr $NumberOfLateUsers \\* 100 \/ 27`
echo "Percentage of overall late users is:  $Percentage %"
echo "######################################################"