Assigning multiple IPV6 addresses with ISC dhcpd


Apologies if this is the wrong forum or this question has been answered already.

I'm using the ISC dhcpd server on Centos 6.0, and can happily assign a single IPV6 address to a client with entries like this:

subnet6 fd01:0:0:5::/64
option fd01:0:0:5::226;
option dhcp6.domain-search "";

host vm41
host-identifier option dhcp6.client-id 00:01:00:01:15:e4:f6:3d:00:0c:29:db:21:6c;
fixed-address6 fd01:0:0:5::253;

What I'd like to do is also assign a second IPV6 address to the same interface, but I can't figure how to do this. Any clues greatefully accepted!
