ASCII Character Set

I thought I would point this out. This has a lot of the non printing characters.

ASCII Character Set

You can find a pretty complete set on wikipedia too.

On *BSD (and I'm fairly sure on Linux as well, dont' know about the commercial Unices) there's always `man ascii`, which can be useful in a pinch.


No 'man ascii' on my Linux but Neo seems to have it. Man Page for ascii (Linux Section 7) - The UNIX and Linux Forums It may not be common.

I don't know from what distro that came, but my Linux (CentOS 5) has it.

According to the man page on my Mac (which also has it):

     An ascii manual page appeared in Version 7 AT&T UNIX.

The ascii man page is on our version of Sun too. SunOS dw-d 5.8 Generic_117350-33 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-480R

In Solaris and HPUX there is also /usr/pub/ascii available. Not sure about other systems.


It is optional for some systems. For example, in Debian 5 ("lenny"):

% apt-cache show ascii
Package: ascii
Priority: optional

I find it to be very useful ... cheers, drl