arrays not printing properly in bash

hi guys,
i wrote this script and it takes some fields from a file and puts it into three different arrays. The first array works just fine but when I try to use the second array (ARRAY1) all i get is a blank value on the screen..

this works fine..i get ARRAY[9] value on the screen just fine

exec 10<io
while read LINE <&10; do
echo Number of elements: ${#ARRAY[@]}
echo ${ARRAY[@]}
echo ${ARRAY[9]}
exec 10>&-

this does not shows me blank value on the output

exec 10<io1
while read LINE <&10; do
echo Number of elements: ${#ARRAY1[@]}
echo ${ARRAY1[@]}
echo ${ARRAY1[1]}
exec 10>&-

echo ${ARRAY1[@]} shows all the elements just fine but echo ${ARRAY1[1]} shows a blank on the screen..
what is wrong here?

I think the problem may be that you have not set initialized the variable 'count' to e.g. 1 just before the while loop.