Arrange Data in table and send by mail


can you tell me how express about this; we have text data file as :

parameter1 Parameter2
AA 55
BB 77
. .
. .
. .

We want to draw table for this data as attached then send as body of Email

$ cat -n f5
     1  Parameter1 Parameter2
     2  AA 55
     3  BB 77
$ cat -n
     1  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
     2  open(IN, "f5") or die "Can't open f5: $!";
     3  printf("%s\n","-"x31);
     4  while(<IN>) {
     5    chomp;
     6    ($t1,$t2) = split;
     7    if ($. == 1) {
     8      $fmt = "|  %10s  |  %10s  |\n".("-"x31)."\n";
     9    } else {
    10      $fmt = "|  %10s  |  %10d  |\n".("-"x31)."\n";
    11      $sum += $t2;
    12    }
    13    printf($fmt,$t1,$t2);
    14  }
    15  printf("|       Total = %3d           |\n",$sum);
    16  printf("%s\n","-"x31);
    17  close(IN) or die "Can't close f5: $!";
$ perl
|  Parameter1  |  Parameter2  |
|          AA  |          55  |
|          BB  |          77  |
|       Total = 132           |


Troffngroffyawk: :wink:

awk 'BEGIN {printf ".TS\nallbox;\nc c\nc c.\n" ; OFS="\t"}
           {t+=$2 ; print $1,$2}
     END  {print "Total",t;print ".TE"}' infile |
     groff -t -T ascii 2>&-


|Parameter1 | Parameter2 |
|    AA     |     55     |
|    BB     |     77     |
|  Total    |    132     |

Thx all, but if in case the Parameter1 and Parameter2 not include in this text file, how we insert it in the table when we build it using AWK.


echo "Parameter1 Parameter2" | cat - infile |
awk 'BEGIN {printf ".TS\nallbox;\nc c\nc c.\n" ; OFS="\t"}
           {t+=$2 ; print $1,$2}
     END  {print "Total",t;print ".TE"}' |
groff -t -T ascii 2>&-


awk 'BEGIN {printf ".TS\nallbox;\nc c\nc c.\n" ; OFS="\t"}
           {t+=$2 ; print $1,$2}
     END  {print "Total",t;print ".TE"}' <( echo "Parameter1 Parameter2" | cat - infile ) |
     groff -t -T ascii 2>&-