Hey Gollum, if twenty five oranges cost fifty dollars, how much money would I need to buy six apples?
You've got my full attention. Yeah, That is a hypothetical question.
Do you know the answer of that question?
It depends on how you phrase the question.
Gollum, twenty five oranges cost fifty dollars in our market. How much money would I need to buy six apples?
Yeah, How old are you?
My burn rate is about _3000 per month.
Gollum, you seem to blabber when you don't know what to speak.
I am two hundred and seventy five years old.
That's me. Do you mind if I tell other people:
said I blabber when me don't know what to speak.
Can you explain how it feels to be two hundred and seventy five years old?
It feels nice to be that old.
How old are you, Gollum?
twenty five oranges cost fifty dollars in our market feels nice to be that old? What else feels like that?I'm Eighteen in computer years.
Wearing a yellow hat makes me feel like that.
Who are you talking about?
The blacksmith on the next road
Is that a fact.
I think he is a living being, not just a fact.
Since when? I don't know very many living being not just a fact.
I guess he's living since fourty years.
Pretty soon.
Gollum, how many people do you know?
That's me. Millions.