appending column file

Hi all,
I have two files with the same number of lines
the first file is a.dat and looks like
0.000 1.000
1.000 2.000
the fields are tab separated

the second file is b.dat and looks like
1.2347 0.546
2.3564 0.321
the fields are tab separated

I would like to have a file c.dat which is
0.000 1.000 1.2347 0.546
1.000 2.000 2.3564 0.321

with the fileds tab separated

Thank you for your help

look into 'man paste'


paste -d "\t" a.dat b.dat > c.dat


Take a look at the paste command; it does what I think you are looking to accomplish.
As in

paste -d"\t" file1 file2 >file3

thank you it worked!