Apache Virgin

Hi, I have a Sun Blade 100 and I want to set up a simple website on it. I already have it connected to the web via my router. I am running Solaris 10 and I know it comes with the install software. I chose to install the entire distribution plus OEM. I have never worked with Apache and don't know where to start. I am ordering new memory soon (only have 128 and it is bogged down) so I have a week or two before I will actually get started. Is there anywhere where I can read a how-to manual or can someone simply share the first few steps so I can get started?


Start here

Apache HTTP Server Version 2.2 Documentation - Apache HTTP Server

Remember that patience is a virtue. Good luck.

Thanks for that. I was browsing there earlier, but did not drill down to the "Apache > HTTP Server > Documentation. It was pretty overwhelming as I didn't know where to land. Thanks for the direction.

I did not fully grep where you are at on the learning curve.

However, if you are looking to publish a simple beginner web site, just get Apache up and running, find the root document of Apache, and put your index.php, or index.html in it, then open your web browser to http : // localhost / index. php and your site is up and running.

In Red Hat Linux, root document is located at /var/www/html
in Slackware it is at /var/www/, the same for BSD family
In OpenSuSE its at /srv/www/htdocs

I did not work with Solaris 10 lately. But you can look for "httpd.conf-example" to locate the root document.

You can build folders in a tree structure from that root document. Every document will show on the web browser with the correct permissions and links.

If you are a web master, and using PHP, Python, Perl CGI, or just Apache pre-compiled modules, you probably won't need to know about Apache more than how to install and uninstall a module, how to stop it and start it, and how to configure httpd.conf. You'll spend 99% of your time maintaining the content.

Apache is faithful, and will work in the background without complaints (with the correct settings) and you'll take it for granted that it is working fine.

Good luck

Main config file example is:


default ( from the example ) DocumentRoot is