Apache mod status buggy?

My problem is whenever I run mod status to capture the amount of byte count served I am getting 100+ gig of byte count! in 10 minutes!

But when I try to filter the apache log and count the byte count served in the same time stamp within 12 hours, it computes to less than 103 MB only

Just an fyi, the people who access my site is internal only, I have manually emailed each and everyone of them and asked the amount of data they downloaded and it tallies to less than 103mb of data.

Where does the gig of data coming from? my monitoring tool doesn't detect any high hardware utilization at those timings and my users aren't complaining that the site was crawling.

Is this a mod status bug?

Total Accesses: 14643
Total kBytes: 78428394 <<----Does anyone knows how apache computes this one? Or the "Total kBytes" suppose to be "Total Bytes"???
CPULoad: .0275835
Uptime: 37595

Is there anyone can point me on to this? :confused: