Apache httpd configuration - Issues with APR


I have tried setting up of Apache http server - httpd-2.4.25.

During configuration, I understand it needs APR to be setup. Hence I have downloaded APR & APR-Util.


tar xvfC apr-1.5.2.tar /root/httpd-2.4.25/srclib/apr

What is happening is there is another directory 'apr-1.5.2' getting created under '/root/httpd-2.4.25/srclib/apr'

Documentation of Apr says you must not have version numbers. APR distribution must be placed under, './srclib/apr'

Point is how could I get rid of '-1.5.2' from the folder name of APR so, I could have ./configure script could be executed semalessly ?

I don't know this special case, but extracting a tar-ball archive will usually have a version number in it's path/directory name and this is good.
What you refer to is that when it is finally installed, after something like

make install

it should not contain version numbers in the path. From the most software I have configured and installed this way, they were not using a version number neither in the path nor in the final binary.

I suggest you either try this on a test box and check if after the make install there is anything not ok with version names showing up somewhere OR you type ./configure --help and see if there is some --prefix=<somedestinationpathyouspecify> you can use to tell it at which destination it should be installed.