Apache Hosting-Shell Script - external files include

Hi there

Well, it's my first time on this board, so short to myself:
I'm matibaski, working as a webdeveloper and also as a system administrator on ubuntu server machines.

The problem:
I created a small apache-hostingscript by myself and it works fine.
But after some addings and new features, the script grew really fast and big, so I decided to export some config definitions into an external file and include it into the main script.

main script file: hosting.sh
external script file: vars.sh

In my vars.sh file I pasted just the apacheconfig's, wich I'm going to use in the hosting.sh.


apacheconfig="<VirtualHost *:80>\n
    \tServerName "$domain"\n
    \tServerAlias www."$domain"\n
    \tServerAdmin webmaster@"$domain"\n
    \tDocumentRoot /var/www/"$domain"/htdocs\n
    \t<Directory /var/www/"$domain"/htdocs>\n
    \t\t        Options Includes FollowSymLinks MultiViews\n
    \t\t        AllowOverride All\n
    \t\t        Order allow,deny\n
    \t\t        allow from all\n
    \t# CGI BIN location\n
    \tScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/"$domain"/cgi-bin/\n
    \t<Directory \"/var/www/"$domain"/cgi-bin\">\n
    \t\t        AllowOverride None\n
    \t\t        Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch\n
    \t\t        Order allow,deny\n
    \t\t        Allow from all\n
    \t# Log Settings\n
    \tErrorLog /var/www/"$domain"/logs/error.log\n
    \tLogLevel warn\n
    \tCustomLog /var/www/"$domain"/logs/access.log combined\n

As you can see, I put the whole apacheconfigfile into a variable.

And now i will use it in my script, hosting.sh:

# configs
source "$cPath/$cVars"




touch $configfile
    if test -f $configfile ; then
        echo -e $config>$configfile
        ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/$domain /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/$domain
        echo "" 
        echo "I am about to reload apache:"
        sh /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
        echo "ERROR"


Should work fine, aight?

Now the gag is, when he's up to create the apache-configfile, he does it very well.
But the content of the file looks like this:

<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerAlias www.
        ServerAdmin webmaster@
        DocumentRoot /var/www//htdocs

It seems that hosting.sh loads the vars.sh correctly, but not replacing the $domain var.
How can I fix this?

Never seen this before.
To be honest, I'm more a PHP/JS programmer than a shell/bash scripter.

Kind regards

in hosting.sh, try: move line:



source "$cPath/$cVars"