apache configuration

Hi. I run openbsd and apache 1.3.29
PHP/4.3.9 mod_perl/1.29 DAV/1.0.3 mod_ssl/2.8.16 OpenSSL/0.9.7c

anyway,problem is i have in httpd.conf allow override all in /dir1
and 2 directories
/dir1/.htaccess is

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Password Required"
AuthUserFile /passwords/password.file
Require valid-user

Allow from all
Satisfy Any

BUT that damn configuration doesnt work!
any suggestions, i'm over in my ideas.


When asking a question, i found out that i had
.htacccess file instead of .htaccess in damn /dir1/visible.... :slight_smile:

Maybe someone who search howto on same problem may use it as a working example